+61 450 705 860 (WhatsApp & Viber) +88 01841 534 178 info@nextmovemigration.com.au

Next Move Student & Migration Pty Ltd was founded under the Australian Corporations Act 2001. This company is registered under the Australian Security & Investments Commission (ASIC). This company is limited by shares. We Aim to facilitate Australian visa services worldwide for people who intend to study, work, visit, or permanently live in Australia. We use our extensive resources and knowledge on this industry to help each client to the best of our ability and give them the most suitable advice for their situation.

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Study and Training VISA

Australia is the third highest number of international students migrating to them among the English-speaking countries and does so with competitive education cost. 5 out of the 30 best cities for students in the world are in Australia. Australian qualifications are also internationally recognised when students seek employment anywhere in the world or seek further study at any international universities.

Work and Skilled Migration VISA

Australia is one of the first world’s strongest economies. For greater opportunities, a higher standard of life, and higher education, a lot of individuals travel here from all over the world. Australia is a country that attracts some of the most skilled immigrants in the world. Skilled individuals settle in Australia with ease and find employment

Family and Partner VISA

Australia welcomes family reunions, visits, and permanently stays with members of the family unit of Australian citizens/permanent residents. This country always considers family issues a major priority. A family is a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children.

Visitor Entry VISA

Every year, many people around the world visit their friends and family members in Australia. Most visitors come for a short period of time, not more than 3 months in one entry. Of them, some visit for holiday or tour programs or participate in events. Businesspeople also come accordingly to their business plans, to attend meetings & seminars and participate in workshops.

Business Migration VISA

Australia wants to draw in businesspeople of the highest calibre who can build real, long-lasting commercial possibilities for each state and territory. With a solid relationship to both domestic and international markets, the nation offers a stable, creative, and hardworking business climate. While mining, petroleum, and agriculture account for most of the country’s exports.

Holiday VISA

Since January 1975, the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) programme has promoted deeper ties amongst young people in Australia and all over the world. Young individuals who are resourceful, independent, and flexible can take a year off and vacation in Australia thanks to this programme.

Refugee & Humanitarian VISA

Lives in Australia as a permanent residence. This visa allows applicant to work, study and access Medicare. No visa cost for main applicant and processing time are subject to capping & queueing. This visa is designed to provide protection to people who are subjected to fear and danger of persecution in their own home country. Applicants need to be registered with UNHCR, Australian government will pay all travel, medical and living cost before they arrive in Australia.

Other Services

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Our Company provides qualification upgrades through the national Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Own IELTS Training Centre

We operate our own IELTS Centre at our local office in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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PERTH OFFICE: 2 Magnesia Road, Wattle Grove, WA 6107 Australia. MOBILE: +61450705860 (You can call WhatsApp or Viber)

DHAKA OFFICE: House 44, Road 12, Sector 13, Uttara, Dhaka 1230 Bangladesh. MOBILE +88 01841 534 178