+61 450 705 860 (WhatsApp & Viber) +88 01841 534 178 info@nextmovemigration.com.au



Please fill in all fields marked with an asterisk(*). Choose your occupation from the updated list available under the ‘occupation’ field. If you do not find your occupation, choose “other” placed at the bottom of the list.
You’ll be contacted within 72 hours

Eligibility Assessment: Skilled Migration, Australia

15 + 14 =

Australian Student Visa Enquiry Form

1 + 3 =

Eligibility Assessment for Partner & Parent Visa/Business & Tourist Visa/Australian Visa

Required Visa Type

12 + 10 =

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Here are several solutions to the most often asked questions. If you like, you may visit this link:

PERTH OFFICE: 2 Magnesia Road, Wattle Grove, WA 6107 Australia. MOBILE: +61450705860 (You can call WhatsApp or Viber)

DHAKA OFFICE: House 44, Road 12, Sector 13, Uttara, Dhaka 1230 Bangladesh. MOBILE +88 01841 534 178